Featured Creative: Christian Carvajal

As a creative, I believe we've all hit the wall mentally on whether or not what we're doing is good enough. It could be with what's on our canvas, in our words, or how we approach capturing moments & hoping they will connect with your audience. We have accepted that it's just part of it, or that it's just part of the process. For some of us that thought holds us back, for others it pushes us forward. Finding the balance is the hard part. Christian Carvajal is someone who is finding that line & crossing it with his music & not looking back. Being authentic, raw, & honest is just the start of his approach - Christian was kind enough to take some time & share his story with us. My name is Christian Carvajal. I'm 25 years old. I currently reside in the great city of Fort Worth, Texas & I am an aspiring songwriter. I was raised on having a wide taste in music. When I was 13 I started learning guitar but it wasn’t until I started c...