Featured Creative: Christian Carvajal
As a creative, I believe we've all hit the wall mentally on whether or not what we're doing is good enough. It could be with what's on our canvas, in our words, or how we approach capturing moments & hoping they will connect with your audience. We have accepted that it's just part of it, or that it's just part of the process. For some of us that thought holds us back, for others it pushes us forward. Finding the balance is the hard part. Christian Carvajal is someone who is finding that line & crossing it with his music & not looking back. Being authentic, raw, & honest is just the start of his approach - Christian was kind enough to take some time & share his story with us.
I was raised on having a wide taste in music. When I was 13 I started learning guitar but it wasn’t until I started choir in high school when I learned about my love of performing. Up until that point I was content just playing & singing in my room where no one could hear me. At least that’s what my parents told me.
For the longest time I was playing & singing other people’s music, that was fine with me. The thought of writing & sharing my own thoughts was a bridge I never thought to cross until I had my first real heart break. I had tried everything I could to get over it but nothing was helping. One day I sat down in my kitchen & just started singing. Believe it or not it took me a year & a half to finish the song but when it was done - no one heard it. Finally, I showed it to some people & to my surprise they liked it. So I kept writing.
I loved to listen to artist who genuinely poured their heart out but thought I could never do that. I would tell myself constantly “What can I say that hasn’t already been said?” Then I began to realize something: People are yearning for something real. Something they can see or hear that makes them feel like they’re not alone in what they are experiencing.
That’s when I realized I want to write as real as I can be. Even if it means I write a lyric like: “If I’m being honest some days I wish I were dead.” When I first sang those lyrics in front of people, I was very timid about it but yet it was the song people connected with the most.
Depression has been a prominent force in my life & my way of dealing with it is being open & honest about it. My music has a somber tone but inside it there's a glimmer of hope. I want to encourage people to be real. Do not create something for the sake of creating. If you are behind a microphone, camera, computer, or what ever you do to create - I encourage you to be as intentional as possible. You never know who you are inspiring.
To keep up with Christian & hear more, you can follow his Instagram or find him on Soundcloud.
My name is Christian Carvajal. I'm 25 years old. I currently reside in the great city of Fort Worth, Texas & I am an aspiring songwriter.
For the longest time I was playing & singing other people’s music, that was fine with me. The thought of writing & sharing my own thoughts was a bridge I never thought to cross until I had my first real heart break. I had tried everything I could to get over it but nothing was helping. One day I sat down in my kitchen & just started singing. Believe it or not it took me a year & a half to finish the song but when it was done - no one heard it. Finally, I showed it to some people & to my surprise they liked it. So I kept writing.
I loved to listen to artist who genuinely poured their heart out but thought I could never do that. I would tell myself constantly “What can I say that hasn’t already been said?” Then I began to realize something: People are yearning for something real. Something they can see or hear that makes them feel like they’re not alone in what they are experiencing.
That’s when I realized I want to write as real as I can be. Even if it means I write a lyric like: “If I’m being honest some days I wish I were dead.” When I first sang those lyrics in front of people, I was very timid about it but yet it was the song people connected with the most.
Depression has been a prominent force in my life & my way of dealing with it is being open & honest about it. My music has a somber tone but inside it there's a glimmer of hope. I want to encourage people to be real. Do not create something for the sake of creating. If you are behind a microphone, camera, computer, or what ever you do to create - I encourage you to be as intentional as possible. You never know who you are inspiring.
To keep up with Christian & hear more, you can follow his Instagram or find him on Soundcloud.
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